Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Sound files!

Sound files are being created now. Here's a few examples of what they sound like so far.

Oh yes, and the face Icons.

Here are the character's face icons. Some edits will likely be made to clean them up.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Items here!

So far, the items for Crunch Time are being developed.

Item list:

-Sweet potato
-Blue pencil
-Cotton candy
-Computer parts1
-Computer parts2
-Cream danish
-Diet coke
-Flash driver
-Fried Chicken
-Fried Potato
-Fried Shrimp
-Green Pepper
-Hot dog
-Mintchoco Cake
-Pepperoni Pizza
-Rice Ball

It's play time!

At long last a playable beta demo is here! Try it, play it, love it, critique it.  

The demo includes most buildings and their corresponding floors, a functioning Tech center and its annoying employee, random generating and despawning loot, previews of things to come, and much more!

First Cutscene jpgs and soundbytes

These are the frames I've created for the first cutscene. the parts with the boy/girl being shown are for each different character. I'll work with the programmer to show him how I wanted the images to be inserted, and if he needs help I can probably do it myself.
The final cutscene(s) shouldn't take too long, considering i have the faces for the frames already set out, but we'll see how it goes from here.
And I cannot upload the soundbytes so I'll give it to our programmer directly.

EDIT: the video files are below

We can dance too!

Here is a working model of some of the things possible (although still very basic).

(note: the inventory system is not implemented yet)

Monday, May 27, 2013

We have a base!

The "overworld" of our campus has been created and is working smoothly.

Health bar and HUD coding has also had the bugs worked out and is working greatly!

They currently work on a variable of 0-3 and are time sensitive. The increments of either health loss or tick time can be customized to however our needs are.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Sprites Have Arrived!

Hey guys, so I designed our characters or "sprites" as they're called by RPG Maker. I used a template of unclothed/bald caucasian sprites to get positioning. You might have to click on the little square to view.

Compare them to the original concepts.